Thursday, June 25, 2009

A pedi with my boys

So, every now and then a girl needs to get a pedicure but especially us RNs who are on their feet the whole shift. I go with a friend about every 2-4 wks and we just sit to jib-jab about nothing and everything (mainly how annoyed we are that the asian women are talking about us- watch comedy video below!!) Anyhow, the reason for the post was because I had to take my kiddos with me this last time and Alec wanted to pick out the color. The last time I went I got purple and they painted on pretty flowers. Well, the pictures say it all. I agreed to do it for a couple of reasons. #1- Alec is too cute to say no to. #2 It's summer, and why not? #3 Thought how bad could it be, right? So when they asked me to pick out my color Alec ran up and picked out this bright green color. My inital reaction was "wow alec, really, you must not love me!" He gave me this look of, get over it mom! So, I said sure, why not. Then he saw the different designs that they could do and decided that a dragonfly would be better than a flower. I have to say the I really do enjoy the dragonfly. It's growing on me.

So the reason for the video is because when my friend and I were there my boys were sitting right next to me watching my beautiful purple disapear and transition into green dino toes. The employees that were working with my friend and I were looking at Ryker and Alec and talking amongst themselves (I guess I should preface the story with how great Alec tans and how white Ryker is right now.) So, I interject into their story stating, "it's a shame my kids dont look anything like me." They share a polite laugh with me and continue to talk in their native language. I look over at my friend and with her eyes I know she too knows that they are talking about my two boys. So we continue with our pedicure and then about 4-5 minutes later my lady says, "they are both your sons?" UM YEAH! THAT'S WHAT I JUST SAID NOT 5 MINUTES AGO LADY! What am I to assume from that question? I dont know this lady, so do I tell her that they have two different dads and all the other intimate details of my life? I guess I was just a bit annoyed because I was being talked about right in front of me and could do nothing about it. I dont go in there with my friend and start talking about what they are wearing or how their nails look horrible for a nail place right in front of them. I think next time I am going to take in a translator so that I can at least hear what is being said about me. ahrg....


  1. That is flippin' hilarious! LOL! I wonder if I actually prefer going to the places where they talk about you, when Lauren and I went the girls who did our pedi's were kinda snobby. And I felt like I had to include them in our conversation even when they acted like they could care less. I'm retarded like that. LOL! We should go together sometime. :O)
